3e applications tested by influential blogger

Posted on 16/04/2019 by Leszek Olszański

Subiektywnie o finansach - blog screen

A renowned Polish financial journalist and blogger, Maciej Samcik, recently published a blog comparing the loyalty schemes of the three biggest Polish coffeehouse chains - Costa Coffee, Green Caffé Nero and Starbucks.

It’s a great feeling to realise, that we - 3e Software House, have contributed to two-thirds of this virtual Polish coffee oligopoly (tripoly? ;)). It’s our team of programmers and PMs that have developed from scratch the Starbucks CEE web application, including both the web and mobile versions. The mobile app was awarded Mobile Trend Award in 2015.

It’s nice, that now (many years, and many iterations later) Mr. Samcik has appreciated some of its features, like the option to gradually upgrade a client’s status up to  Gold and integration of Apple Wallet. We have also contributed to the functioning of the Costa Coffee loyalty system. Our server application does an important background job, integrating Costa’s loyalty system application with its POS system, and is therefore connecting every cash register to the loyalty network. This integration case study will  soon be available on our website.